Sunday, May 15, 2011

latest express clothing fashion image picture

Express fashion models 2011

Let's express fashion as another beautiful manifestation of life. Indeed, the greatest designer of the world is Mother Nature with beautiful expression, imaginative and strange all around her. For humanity from the olden days itself fashion was a source of joy and creative expression of life as art, science, dance, music and of course sex.

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Express fashion models women 2011

Fashion exists in two worlds today, the real and the superficial. I feel fashion is distorted and maligned in the modern sense. In the superficial world of fashion, is seen as the privilege of strata in the so-called community. This is the tragedy of today's fashion. Some people with money, power and glamor fashion flaunt known and the world are made ​​to believe that this is the real fashion.

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Express clothing female fashion model 2011

This is a sort of fashion to be hyped and proud of a select few and inaccessible for most people. This is the low and superficial world of fashion that exists as we see today.

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